Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Business Report

Dear Sir, Review of current canteen situation and proposal for upgrading. Raffles Polytechnic School of Business houses 668 students and 77 staff. Canteen 1, with a capacity of 200, serves this population. Currently there have been numerous complaints with regards to Canteen 1. Hence the objective of this report is to address the various complaints and hence made the necessary upgrading. A survey had been done and below is the summary of my findings with regards to the issue. 1.) Major complaint: the canteen is unbelievably crowded; I have to spend a long time queuing for my food and then it takes me more time to find seat. How frequently do you have lunch at canteen 1? Fig 1 What time do you normally have lunch? Fig 2 1.1) From the findings more than 50% of students and staffs eat at least 3 times a week. (Refer to fig 1) 1.2) From fig 2, 42% of the students and 70% of staff are using the canteen at 1pm. That would be a rough 340 estimate if we were to take a direct proportional estimate from the sample size, exceeding the capacity of Canteen 1. How would you rate Canteen 1 in terms of seating capacity? Fig 3 1.3) The response of Fig 3 shown that about 68% of the population surveyed feel that canteen 1 seating capacity is poor. 1.4) 98% of the surveyed population feels that there is a need for to extend the canteen. 2.) Major problem: Something must be done about the standard the standard of hygiene in the canteen; it’s not clean. 2.1) I found that currently tables have been cleaned and cleared by team of 5 workers with each worker responsible for a specific section of the canteen. During peak hours, the canteen hosts up to 300 over people (refer to fig 1 and 2), which meant each worker would have to clear the tables for 60 people. How would you rate the hygiene standard in the canteen? Fig 4 2.2) From figure 4, 79% feels that the hygiene of the canteen is on the better side of the scale. ... Free Essays on Business Report Free Essays on Business Report Dear Sir, Review of current canteen situation and proposal for upgrading. Raffles Polytechnic School of Business houses 668 students and 77 staff. Canteen 1, with a capacity of 200, serves this population. Currently there have been numerous complaints with regards to Canteen 1. Hence the objective of this report is to address the various complaints and hence made the necessary upgrading. A survey had been done and below is the summary of my findings with regards to the issue. 1.) Major complaint: the canteen is unbelievably crowded; I have to spend a long time queuing for my food and then it takes me more time to find seat. How frequently do you have lunch at canteen 1? Fig 1 What time do you normally have lunch? Fig 2 1.1) From the findings more than 50% of students and staffs eat at least 3 times a week. (Refer to fig 1) 1.2) From fig 2, 42% of the students and 70% of staff are using the canteen at 1pm. That would be a rough 340 estimate if we were to take a direct proportional estimate from the sample size, exceeding the capacity of Canteen 1. How would you rate Canteen 1 in terms of seating capacity? Fig 3 1.3) The response of Fig 3 shown that about 68% of the population surveyed feel that canteen 1 seating capacity is poor. 1.4) 98% of the surveyed population feels that there is a need for to extend the canteen. 2.) Major problem: Something must be done about the standard the standard of hygiene in the canteen; it’s not clean. 2.1) I found that currently tables have been cleaned and cleared by team of 5 workers with each worker responsible for a specific section of the canteen. During peak hours, the canteen hosts up to 300 over people (refer to fig 1 and 2), which meant each worker would have to clear the tables for 60 people. How would you rate the hygiene standard in the canteen? Fig 4 2.2) From figure 4, 79% feels that the hygiene of the canteen is on the better side of the scale. ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Visa para jóvenes para trabajar como staff campamento

Visa para jà ³venes para trabajar como staff campamento Una de las mejores opciones para jà ³venes para trabajar  en Estados Unidos y practicar inglà ©s con una visa de intercambio J-1 en el programa de staff de un campamento de verano. En este artà ­culo se explican cules son los requisitos para disfrutar de esta oportunidad de trabajar como monitor (staff) en un campamento de verano, cules son las precauciones que deben tomarse para evitar problemas migratorios y cules son otras posibles opciones en programas similares.  ¿Quià ©nes Pueden Aplicar Por Visa J-1 Para Trabajar Como Staff de Campamento? Pueden trabajar en campamentos de verano como staff los extranjeros con una visa J-1 de intercambio los extranjeros que viven habitualmente fuera de Estados Unidos y  que reà ºnan todos los requerimientos siguientes: Tener al menos los 18 aà ±os cumplidosSer estudiante universitario o de un programa acadà ©mico semejante. O ser un trabajador joven o un maestro o una persona adulta con habilidades adecuadas para este trabajo  Tener conocimientos de inglà ©s suficientes para poder supervisar y relacionarse con adolescentes y nià ±os americanos Pasos  Para Trabajar Como Monitor de Campamento en USA Antes de pedir  esta modalidad de la visa J-1 de intercambio en la Embajada o consulado que corresponda es necesario encontrar un patrocinador para ese trabajo. Para ello hay que contactar con una de las organizaciones autorizadas por el Departamento de Estado para patrocinar  extranjeros para este programa.   Este es el listado de organizaciones designadas para patrocinar. Encontrars el nombre de la organizacià ³n, pgina web, su ubicacià ³n (ciudad y estado) y nà ºmero de telà ©fono. Puedes contactar a los que quieras y es posible que tengan un colaborador en tu paà ­s. Pero verifà ­calo por correo electrà ³nico o por telà ©fono con la organizacià ³n en Estados Unidos. Cuando una de estas organizaciones decida patrocinar  te enviar un documento que se conoce con el nombre DS-2019. A  partir de lo  cual puedes iniciar a tramitar la visa por internet llenando el formulario DS-160 y pagando la cuota correspondiente. Y sà ³lo ms tarde tendrs que ir al consulado o a la Embajada a la entrevista.   Si tu solicitud es aprobada, se te dar la visa. Si la solicitud es negada no podrs recuperar el dinero pagado al aplicar por el visado. Cà ³mo Evitar Problemas Migratorios Con Visa de Intercambio Aà ºn cuando se te entregue la visa, no puedes utilizarla para ingresar a Estados Unidos sino hasta que falten 30 dà ­as o menos para la iniciacià ³n del programa de campamento en el que se va a participar. La fecha exacta de comienzo es la que establece el documento DS-2019 que te entregà ³ la institucià ³n que te patrocina. Una vez que finaliza el programa tienes 30 dà ­as para salir de Estados Unidos. A menos que hayas pedido a tiempo una extensià ³n y se haya aprobado. Otros Programas de Intercambio J-1 Que Quiz Te Puedan Interesar Si eres joven y buscas mejorar tu inglà ©s y conocer Estados Unidos y la cultura americana de primera mano puede que te interesen programas similares al de monitor de campamento y que tambià ©n requieren de una visa J-1, puede que consideres de interà ©s los siguientes programas. Por ejemplo, la visa para  trabajar  y viajar en verano, tambià ©n conocida como SWT, por sus siglas en inglà ©s, o la de  Au-pair, tambià ©n conocido en algunos paà ­ses como nià ±era o canguro. Finalmente, los muchachos que han finalizado sus estudios universitarios pueden estar interesados en programas de prcticas profesionales, que estn disponibles para distintos campos de trabajo, como salud, arquitectura, arte, ciencias, etc. Es muy importante entender que cada programa dentro de la visa J-1 tiene sus propias reglas. De hecho, pueden tener requisitos muy diferentes. Lo fundamental es cumplir con los requerimientos del programa al que se aplica. Las Visas de Estudiantes Como una Excelente Opcià ³n Para Jà ³venes Para los muchachos interesados en estudiar en Estados Unidos estn a su disposicià ³n las visas F-1 para estudiantes de idiomas o en instituciones acadà ©micas  y las visas M-1 para estudios vocacionales o en escuelas no acadà ©micas. Adems, para los mexicanos y canadienses transfronterizos est a su disposicià ³n la visa F-3. En la actualidad Estados Unidos es el paà ­s del mundo con mayor nà ºmero de estudiantes internacionales. Los 3 estados preferidos de los alumnos internacionales son, por orden de mayor a menor, California, Nueva York y Texas. En cuanto a las universidades ms populares son New York University, University of South California y Columbia University. Para los que desean estudiar en una universidad estadounidense, sin duda el primer paso es hacerse una idea completa de los requisitos que se necesitan para aplicar con à ©xito a la institucià ³n elegida. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Federal courts jurisdiction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Federal courts jurisdiction - Essay Example (United States v. Lopez, 1995) This was a landmark case in that it established the supremacy of the Federal Courts over state courts and jurisdiction within individual states. However, the end result of the case was that the charges by the federal government were dismissed and in a statement by Judge Rehnquist the reasoning was that it was time to step in and check the powers of the federal government by defining the powers between the federal government and the individual state. The prosecutions argument rested the use of the Interstate Commerce Act, this act specifically being designed to prevent unfair business practices by shifting regulatory abilities from the state governments to that of the federal government. (Interstate Commerce Act, 1887) The case was upheld by a decision of 5-4 and helped define what was allowed directly by the Interstate Commerce Act. Supreme Court Justice Rehnquist made it clear that this incident was not something that should be allowed under the Commer ce Act however, further stated that this decision was not meant to change prior decisions in regards to the Commerce Act. The decision was meant only to limit the current scope of the Federal Government in regards to incidents occurring within each individual state. The decision clarified the separation of power that exists between the individual states and that of the Federal Government.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Causes of Lung Cancer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Causes of Lung Cancer - Essay Example Dr. Oscar Auerbach and his colleagues conducted research (stretched over eight years) to investigate the link between lung cancer and smoking. 1500 male and female patients of lung cancer were studied and 100,000 slides of lung tissues were taken from their bodies. The degree of cancer cells was more in patients who were smokers as compared to those who were not. The research’s findings were that the degree of cell damage was directly related to the number of cigarettes smoked per day. Dr. Auerbach’s researched data contributed to the Surgeon General’s report which was published in 1964 (Adams). After that time period, it was very common to associate lung cancer with smoking. Causes Studies targeted at deriving a relationship between cigarettes and lung cancer started in 1948 at Washington University’s School of Medicine and a student named Ernst Wynder tried connecting the dots. He did research in 1950 that involved 649 lung cancer patients and 600 contro ls. Wynder discovered that the rate of lung cancer was 40 times higher in smokers than in nonsmokers. Richard Doll was a British scientist who discovered (in the same year) evidence supporting the causal relationship between smoking and lung cancer. Doll researched on physicians, both who smoked and did not smoke and waited for years to see if any of them developed lung cancer. Undoubtedly the ones who did develop lung cancer were smokers (Johnson). There were a total of 158,900 deaths in the USA in 1999 because of lung cancer and this figure included men and women both. The death toll for lung cancer patients in 1999 world over was 1 billion. But lung cancer was not this common in the 1800s and it was rare. In 1929, a German physician named Fritz Lickint pointed out in his report that lung cancer patients were majorly smokers and he was so disturbed by his findings that he started an anti-tobacco movement in Germany to discourage smoking (Witschi). Before 1996, studies on causes of lung cancer-derived a relationship between lung cancer and smoking but the causes of lung cancer were not narrowed down to the cellular level. In 1996, Dr. Moonshong Tang and Dr. Gerd Pfeiffer explained how smoking affects cells and causes cancer. Both the doctors explained that cigarettes contain a chemical called benzopyrene and it damages p53, a protein found in lung cells. This protein is exactly the same as the protein found in lung cancer patients. The function of p53 is that it controls the abnormal growth of cells which can result in tumors. Benzopyrene damages p53 and the abnormal growth of cells cannot be controlled because of this (Adams). Specialists have worked on deriving a causal relationship between smoking and lung cancer. But epidemiological research has been done predominantly for deriving this relationship. Under epidemiological research, subjects are given the freedom of self-reporting their smoking habits and they do not have good memories as a result of which facts are under- or overstated. Smoking can cause other types of cancer as well: such as nasal cavity cancer, liver cancer, and stomach cancer. Lung cancer can be caused by all forms of smoking such as cigarettes, cigars, pipes or bidis (tobacco wrapped in a plant). When we say smoking causes cancer people generally assume that we are referring to active smoking. This is not plausible as lung cancer is also caused by passive smoking (Connie Henke Yarbro).

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Troubadors Paper Essay Example for Free

Troubadors Paper Essay It is unlikely, in this day and age, that one could be privy to likes of troubadours, as recounted in the works of Jaufre Rudel and   Bernart de Ventadorn.   Their works, A Love Afar and The Skylark, are similar in that they both speak of a love that for one reason or another has been unreachable to them.   Rudel, in A Love Afar, is pining for a woman he has never met, nor even seen, but has an attraction for based on the information he has been given by other pilgrims. â€Å"My pilgrim’s staff and cloak might shine.†Ã‚   Rudel professes to worship this love from afar, â€Å"They call to mind my love afar.†Ã‚   His work follows the path of courtly love, which is typical of the medieval era.   Rudel declares his devotion to his love, â€Å"Gladly I’d lie at her command, a captive in a Moorish land.†Ã‚   Also typical of medieval courting, Rudel speaks of physical manifestations of the love that he seeks afar, â€Å"My curse fall on that godsire’s heart, who’s cursed me so my love runs ill.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The tenor of Bernart de Ventadorn’s work, The Skylark, lacks the hope that is present in Rudel’s writing.   The Skylark, is the writing of a man who is daunted by the love that he has lost.   â€Å"Alas, I thought I’d grown so wise; in love I had so much to learn:   I can’t control this heart that flies to here who pays no love return.†Ã‚   Where Rudel felt that he had been blessed by love, even promised love by God, Ventadorn has been cursed by a love that has stolen the very life from him.   â€Å"Losing control, I’ve lost all right to rule my life†¦deep in despair.†Ã‚   Ventadorn presents no benefit from the love he seeks or sought, whereas Rudel sees benefit even if he should die in the end.   Ventadorn has been scorned by love.   â€Å"I’ll place no trust in women though I did before; I’ve been there champion so it’s just that I renounce them everm ore.† Rudel has found such promise in love. â€Å"That man speaks true who’d say I burn for naught else but my love afar; now for no other end I yearn, only to know my love afar.   Ventadorn, however, has lost all faith in women, love, and music.   â€Å"Ay! Now I fall in deep disgrace,   a fool upon love’s bridge am I; No one know how that could take place, unless I dared to climb too high. Ventadorn places women on a pedestal, but perhaps realized he had done so unjustly.   Ventadorn’s writing also suggests an adulterous nature, â€Å"Wrongful it seems, now, in my view, to see a creature love’s betrayed, who’d seek no other good but you, then let him die without your aid.†Ã‚   Ventadorn is so distraught that he swears off his writing and music.   â€Å"Tristan you’ll hear no more from me:   I leave to wander, none knows where; henceforth all joys in love I’ll flee and all my songs I now forswear.† Courtship during the medieval era was considered to be an art form.   Both of these writings bring to mind the image of the Knight on a white horse, that sweeps his lady off her feet.   Both pieces tell of love that is challenged by a geographical distance and love that is ultimately fated to die.   Both pieces are ideal examples of noble chivalry that was present in the courting present in the medieval era.  Ã‚   Both pieces place the woman in a superior level to themselves. The image created by Rudel is one of passion, with no price to high, in order to reach his love.   It is almost as though you can see him traveling by boat, â€Å"Such tracks and trails, such land and sea.†Ã‚   One can almost see him battling his way to his love.   Ventadorn paints an image of a man who is angered and retreats to his destination, which is to be alone, as demonstrated, â€Å"I say no more; I silent go; She gives me death; let death reply.   My Lady won’t embrace me so I leave, exiled to pain for aye.† Rudel speaks of his love as a lady, while Ventadorn speaks of his love as a Lady while expressing his love, but then reverts to women when expressing his anger and despair.   Troubadors admired ladies, but feared women.   Ladies were to be treasured, something to desire, while women were almost considered evil.   Both writers seem to appeal to their loves as a method of furthering themselves and their current status.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Queen Myongson Essays -- Korea Korean Leaders Essays

Queen Myongson (Queen Min) Queen Myongsong was born in 1851 in Yohung Min Chan. After the death of her father, the queen would not be able to build her own political power base in the patriarchal Korean society. At that time, the real power was in the hands of Hungsun Taewongun. Taewongun arranged his son to take Queen Min, whom lacked power and thus would not pose a threat to himself or Kojong. In 1866, at the age 14, Queen Min became wife to Kojong whom assumed power in 1864 at the age of 12. (2) At the time of her marriage, King Kojong's father, Taewongun, ran the country in his son's name. When King Kojong came to power in 1864, his father became the Regent. But the old man stayed on even after King Kojong became old enough to take over. To add insult to injury, Taewongun attempted to designate an illegitimate son of King Kojong the heir to the throne. In 1873, the Queen’s intelligence and cunningness enabled to convince her young husband to declare himself king in fact as well as in name. After throwing out Tawongun, Min placed her relatives in key positions of power and began to dismantle Taewongun's 'hermit' isolationist policy and opened up the country to foreign trades and friendly relations. Encouraged by his wife, King Kojong signed the Kanghwa Treaty with Japan and instituted a series of modernization and reform programs. (6) This created a bloody conflict between Queen Min and her father-in- law. In addition Queen Min had a difficult time giving birth t o a son, who was necessary to continue the royal line. In Korea, a woman could not inherit the throne in her own right. Therefore, having a son was crucial to the success of any queen. Growing impatient with the ... ...Network at Lost Angeles – Queen Min (http://www.gkn-la.net/history_resources/queen_min.htm) 2. QUEEN MIN--GRADE LEVEL: 10-12 AUTHOR: David M. Hanna SUBJECT: Global History, East Asian Civilization (http://www.koreasociety.org/MAIN/KS_LessonPlans/ Lessons/klp_xxix.pdf) 3. Bird, Isabella. Korea and Her Neighbors. London: KPI Limited, 1985 (first published in 1897). (http://kn.koreaherald.co.kr/SITE/data/html_dir/2001/02/10/200102100030.asp) 4. Tourism – Sightseeing (http://english.kg21.net/tour/sightseeingSite.jsseq=19&page=1&caller=category&query=h) 5. [New Horizon] Assassination of Empress Myongsong by Kim Byong-kuk (http://times.hankooki.com/lpage/opinion/200211/kt2002112117172711350.htm) 6. A Brief History of the US-Korea Relations Prior to 1945 by Kim Young-Sik, Ph.D. (http://www.kimsoft.com/2003/us-kr-relation.htm)

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Voyager Interstellar Mission

The Voyager Interstellar Mission is rooted in the Grand Tour – an alignment of the outer planets which allowed for a single space probe to visit each of them rapidly.The Voyager spacecraft were constructed to do just that – obtain close up views and observations of the outer planets. Together, the two spacecraft brought unprecedented observations of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and their corresponding satellites and ring systems.Having completed their planetary mission after the visit of Neptune in 1989, the two Voyagers are now continuing their journey out of the Solar System. Instead of fading into obscurity, the Voyagers are still transmitting back observations in its new mission – the Voyager Interstellar Mission. Instead of observing planets, the two spacecraft are now giving us our first glimpses into the edges of the solar system.To do this, mission scientists had to use instruments meant for observing planets for observing the environment at the area at the edge of the Solar System. Five distinct and specialized scientific groups are currently engaged on analyzing the data coming from Voyager. Together with Voyager, these groups have expanded our understanding of the outer solar system.Power and funding challenges continue to hound the Voyager mission. Since its launch, Voyager's power source has been continually declining. To cope with the lowered power output, components of Voyager have been shut down one by one which means that some measurements have already been or will be stopped in the near future.The mission ends when the power sources cannot anymore power any single instrument. Some earth bound problems remain however as budget cuts threaten the existence of the mission.Voyager Interstellar Mission – Paper ProposalFor this paper, I plan on discussing the Voyager Interstellar Mission.   The proposed   outline is attached below.My interest in the Voyager Interstellar Mission lies in their wonderful history and u nique position. In this sense, the Voyager spacecraft are like â€Å"the little space probes that could†.The Voyager spacecraft were initially launched more than thirty years ago to take advantage of a unique arrangement of the outer planets.   This arrangement made The Grand Tour possible, visiting each of the outer planets consecutively within a short amount of time.The spacecraft were originally meant to take closeup observations of the outer planets, observations which were not possible to make from Earth. They were successful in doing this, having sent back pictures of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Their discoveries adding to and refining our knowledge of the outer planets.Having finished their original mission, the two spacecraft continue on their voyage out of the Solar System. With no forces holding them back, the two will continue on their journey indefinitely and will soon be traveling in Interstellar space.The Voyager Interstellar Mission takes advantage o f this fact, exploiting the location of the twin Voyagers to gather data and observations about the edge of the Solar System. If the planetary mission helped to add and refine our knowledge of the outer planets, the interstellar mission is currently helping add and refine our knowledge of the environment and processes at work at the solar system's edge.In line with this, I also plan on discussing current knowledge about the edge of the Solar System. This knowledge will help the reader comprehend the scope of the Voyager Interstellar Mission as well as what the Voyager probes are expected to understand.A discussion of the spacecraft is also needed to understand the mission. The instruments used in the interstellar mission are the same instruments used in observing the outer planets.By understanding these instruments, we get an understanding of the kind of observations that the Voyagers are doing in Interstellar space. We also gain an understanding of the operations that enable the mi ssion to communicate with Earth. Understanding the spacecraft also allows us to understand the main challenge facing the mission – the loss in power.Even if the success of the Voyager program has already been established, it still faces some challenges. Due to its age its power generating system has had severe losses in capacity. Because of this several instruments and systems aboard the craft have already been shut down due to the loss in power. Earth bound troubles also hound the craft as budget cuts threaten the existence of the mission.To complete the paper, I plan on giving a few samples of the scientific advances that the Interstellar mission has brought. It is also important to realize the amount of research that the thirty year old Voyagers have enabled. I also point out some researches from Voyager that have helped us in our understanding of the Sun.In this way, I point out that these spacecraft even if they are very far are even giving us new insights to something t hat is quite close to home.  

Sunday, November 10, 2019

New Heritage Doll Company: Capital Budgeting Essay

The New Heritage Doll Company’s Vice-President of Production, Emily Harris, had to decide which of two proposals she should approve for the company’s upcoming capital budgeting meetings. The first project involved expanding an existing â€Å"Match My Doll Clothing† line, which had a proven record of success in the past. The second project introduced a new initiative called â€Å"Design Your Own Doll†, which used a web-based software enabling users to customize a doll’s features to the customers’ specifications. To help Emily reach her decision, I will calculate the Net Present Value (NPV) of both projects to find out which project is more profitable. In the financial analysis of both projects Emily was given the following assumptions: 1. Operating projections were used to develop cash flow forecasts and then to calculate Net Present Value, Internal Rates of Return, payback period and other investment metrics. The cash flows excluded all financing charges and non-cash items (i.e. depreciation), and were calculated on an after-corporate-tax basis. The New Heritage’s corporate tax rate was 40% 2. Discount rate was set at 8.4% – for medium-risk project 3. NPV calculations included a terminal value computed as the value of a perpetuity growing at constant rate. I computed Free Cash Flows (FCF) to find out the actual amount of cash from operations that the company could use in developing its new projects. I calculated the terminal value for 2020 as projected FCF in the first year beyond the projection horizon divided by discount rate of 8.4% less the perpetuity growth rate, which in this case was 3%. According to my calculations the MMDM’s terminal value in 2020 is 16,346,000 and DYOD’s is 27,486,000.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Lending

Continuous Assessment Question Lending  ¡Ã‚ §Given the current economic downturn in the Irish Economy, it is inevitable that the book quality will be affected in the case of most Financial Institutions in the country. ¡Ã‚ ¨ What measures should lenders take to protect themselves from loan losses, under these circumstances? Table of Contents: Executive Summary Page 4 PART I  ¡V Protection Measures Page 5-15 Introduction Page 5 Section I  ¡V Credit Policy Page 6 Section 2  ¡V Credit Grading & Control Page 8 Section 3  ¡V Credit Review Page 12 Section 4  ¡V Training & Development of Staff Page 13 PART II  ¡V Social responsibility to Customers Page 14 Bibliography Page 16 Executive Summary The Lending banker ¡Ã‚ ¦s has a broad range of measures to adopt when protecting the bank from loan losses. This paper review these measures in Part I in terms of a  ¡Ã‚ ¥balanced scorecard ¡Ã‚ ¦ approach, focusing in turn on Credit Policy, Credit Grading & Control as well as training and development of staff. In Part I of this paper, I will argue that each of these aspects need to be addressed in order to mitigate the exposure of the bank to loan losses. Each section examines the specific measures that a bank may take and outlines the critical factors when contemplating such measures. The role of Credit Policy, will highlight a number of basic measures a bank must take to ensure it has the capability to minimise loan losses, while the role of Credit Control will focus on early detection and the using of action plans to mitigate such losses. A strong Credit Review function is essential in ensuring lenders have accurately identified and reported potential loan losses (bad and doubtful debts). And finally the part to be played by training and development of a range of staff in the credit management of loans is crucial to building the appropriate competence levels throughout the bank. All of these factors constitute a  ¡Ã¯ ¿ ½... Free Essays on Lending Free Essays on Lending Continuous Assessment Question Lending  ¡Ã‚ §Given the current economic downturn in the Irish Economy, it is inevitable that the book quality will be affected in the case of most Financial Institutions in the country. ¡Ã‚ ¨ What measures should lenders take to protect themselves from loan losses, under these circumstances? Table of Contents: Executive Summary Page 4 PART I  ¡V Protection Measures Page 5-15 Introduction Page 5 Section I  ¡V Credit Policy Page 6 Section 2  ¡V Credit Grading & Control Page 8 Section 3  ¡V Credit Review Page 12 Section 4  ¡V Training & Development of Staff Page 13 PART II  ¡V Social responsibility to Customers Page 14 Bibliography Page 16 Executive Summary The Lending banker ¡Ã‚ ¦s has a broad range of measures to adopt when protecting the bank from loan losses. This paper review these measures in Part I in terms of a  ¡Ã‚ ¥balanced scorecard ¡Ã‚ ¦ approach, focusing in turn on Credit Policy, Credit Grading & Control as well as training and development of staff. In Part I of this paper, I will argue that each of these aspects need to be addressed in order to mitigate the exposure of the bank to loan losses. Each section examines the specific measures that a bank may take and outlines the critical factors when contemplating such measures. The role of Credit Policy, will highlight a number of basic measures a bank must take to ensure it has the capability to minimise loan losses, while the role of Credit Control will focus on early detection and the using of action plans to mitigate such losses. A strong Credit Review function is essential in ensuring lenders have accurately identified and reported potential loan losses (bad and doubtful debts). And finally the part to be played by training and development of a range of staff in the credit management of loans is crucial to building the appropriate competence levels throughout the bank. All of these factors constitute a  ¡Ã¯ ¿ ½...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Verbing Nouns

Verbing Nouns â€Å"Verbing† Nouns â€Å"Verbing† Nouns By Guest Author This is a guest post by Jeannine Sohayda. If you want to write for Daily Writing Tips check the guidelines here. I was disappointed yesterday when, while cruising Facebook, I noticed a national pharmacy company’s request for me to â€Å"fan† them. I simply cannot agree to become a fan of a company that thinks turning nouns into verbs is hip and thereby will increase its customer base. If they had instead asked me to â€Å"become a fan†, I may have indeed considered it, because I do shop there often. I’m no stranger to nouns becoming verbs; we’ve all â€Å"Googled† for information. I must admit, it was refreshing to see that Twitter asks its users simply to â€Å"follow† other users on its site. I suppose â€Å"Twitter me† would make no sense. However, the word â€Å"fan† is already both a noun and a verb, and to see it used in this way was particularly jolting. By the way, even the word â€Å"verb† is a noun. I often wonder what it must be like for people who are just learning English. While they are trying to find words and phrases to get them through their days in English, we are simultaneously butchering and deconstructing our own language, making it difficult even for native speakers to understand each other. If we were to think about it in reverse, about the difficulties of learning Chinese, for example, as Americans we would be infuriated at the idea of their randomly adding new words as we page in vain through our phrase book. If we want people to speak, write and, in general, communicate understandably in English, I’d like to suggest that we set a good example and use the language as it was intended: as a means to illuminate rather than obfuscate. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Regarding Re:Abstract Nouns from Adjectives5 Examples of Insufficient Hyphenation Verbing Nouns Verbing Nouns Verbing Nouns By Maeve Maddox Two readers wonder about the practice of using nouns as if they were verbs. Nanerl wonders if journaled is acceptable. Marilyn writes: My colleagues, at a reputable academic institution, all use the word action as a verb, such as: we must action these items and before these items can be actioned. This drives me crazy because Im sure action does not have a verb connotation, but the word is used so frequently with this connotation that I am no longer sure. Id guess that we all have our lists of verbed nouns we hate to hear or read. We may not, however, all agree as to which are abominations and which are not. Some examples from the web: 1. Clause said all three girls were initially conscious at the scene. Swanson and Zeien were flighted to the Milwaukee Area Medical Complex. (An arrow may be flighted with feathers, but injured people in a helicopter are being flown to a hospital.) 2. How many People Were Impacted? and How Severely? (Whats wrong with affected?) 3. Federalist Papers Authored by Alexander Hamilton (Hamilton was the author. He wrote the document.) The capacity of English for turning nouns into verbs is both its glory and its bane. This line from Richard II shows how Shakespeare managed to verb even such a noun as uncle: Henry IV: My gracious uncle- Edmund of Langley: Tut, tut! †¨Grace me no grace, nor uncle me no uncle:†¨I am no traitors uncle; As long ago as 1870 Henry Alford noted that the tendency to use nouns as verbs is so much a part of the nature of English speakers that its futile to rail against it: I do not see that we can object to this tendency in general, seeing that it has grown with the growth of our language, and under due regulation is one of the most obvious means of enriching it. Verbs thus formed will carry themselves into use, in spite of the protests of the purists. The Queens English. In Alfords day people were objecting to the use of experience as a verb. As for journaled and actioned, I think the first is possibly OK while the second is abominable. Sometimes a verbed noun fills a void, but too often it is the lazy expedient of a thoughtless writer. The best course of action I can suggest is to take the trouble to consider appropriate verbs that already exist before taking a noun that has not previously been used as anything but a noun and turning it into a verb. In deciding whether or not to use one of these fairly recent coinages, consider your own sense of aesthetics. If you feel that the word is ugly, dont encourage the spread of it by using it. What can we call this tendency to use nouns as if they were verbs? How about anthimeria? Then we can anthimeria this term and warn people against anthimeriaing nouns! In rhetoric, anthimeria, traditionally and more properly called antimeria (from the Greek: á ¼â‚¬ÃŽ ½Ãâ€žÃŽ ¯, antà ­, against, opposite and ÃŽ ¼ÃŽ ­Ã ÃŽ ¿Ãâ€š, mà ©ros, part), is the use of a word as if it were a member of a different word class (part of speech); typically, the use of a noun as if it were a verb. Here are some rants and observations you may enjoy: Writing, Clear and Simple (Link no longer active) Kathy Schenck (Link no longer active) The Grammar Curmudgeon Judy Muller impact as a verb Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Masters Degree or Master's Degree?"Latter," not "Ladder"What the heck are "learnings"?

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Advocacy letter about sexual orientation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Advocacy letter about sexual orientation - Essay Example Amongst this number included 17.5% of the students who were personal victims of the situation. We realize that part of what causes this problem is the fact that there is no adequate research or funding that can aid research on the sexual orientation area. There is, however, lots of talking and discussions about sexual orientation that goes on around the country. Though it might not be open to us to fully know the medical or scientific foundations that results to the sexual orientation of an individual, our system is already handling the discussion in such a way that its impact is quite vivid. Some of the students reactions I school can be seen as many of them do not feel safe due to their sexual orientation. This can be explained by the results of the survey on school safety that was carried out by an organization known as GLSEN in 2013. In this survey, it was proved that sexual orientation as a factor contributed to 55.5% of the LGBT students feeling unsafe at school. The same surve y found out that, 37.8% of the students were felt unsafe at school due to their gender expression. It is vividly clear that sexual orientation as an important concern to students is not being addressed in schools even as people continue to increase their awareness and education with regards to sex. This is a notion that needs to change. It is understood that until now, this issue has not been addressed satisfactorily. There have been many misunderstandings about the issue that has made the topic extremely sensitive. The major source of misunderstandings is the national religious variations we have in the country. Quoting from the U.S Constitution, we have two fundamental principles that apply to all the public schools. The first amendment is about the separating church and the state and protection of the freedom of speech. The fourteenth

Friday, November 1, 2019

Principles of real estate Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Principles of real estate - Research Paper Example As a real estate agent working in Memphis for the past fourteen years, I have wisely made distinction between property and contractual rights. I have done by ensuring that there is a clear distinction between property rights that someone has over things enforceable against other people and contractual rights that are enforceable against a specific or particular person. In some instances, I will properly understand that property rights might come from contract (Thomas, 1996). In relation to real estate, for instance, I have to identify two sets of legal relationships to prevail alongside one another in that there is the property right to be exercised over the lease of the estate and contractual right to sue over evictions. In this manner, I have been able to work efficiently without complications in that I know my areas of jurisdiction as a real estate agent and in a position to handle any eventuality that might arise. Principle of property ownership  From my fourteen year experienc e, I understand that property is usually perceived as being protected by domestic or local sovereignty. This is because ownership on its part does not necessarily equate with the issue of sovereignty because if ownership offered supreme power or authority, it will not be ownership but sovereignty. I have to do this due to the fact that; property ownership rights come from social convention while others come from explanation from natural law or morality. This in turn put me in a good position since I know there is an estate of indefinite duration.Â